Vacancy Details
Position Title: M & E
Position Field: Program
Job Description: M & E something about this position: ACREOD Livelihood & Economic development Projects and Achievements: ACREOD has a robust portfolio of multi-phase, multi-province programs and proven abilities to administer a project of the proposed scale and scope in Afghanistan. ACREOD will soon complete its 30Y anniversary of work with a personal over 300 and an annual programs portfolio of approx. £1.5M. Our organization has proven access to conflict and crisis-affected areas, where we work in close collaboration with communities to ensure acceptance and active participation in programs. Women economic empowerment has been part and parcel of women empowerment portfolio since inception of organization to support refugee women in Pakistan. ACREOD has started with skill training that included tailoring and has established a full tailoring curriculum that was adopted by many women center in Pakistan for refugee women. We than moved to production and women business development from skill training that helped with women and street children center sustainability for long years when funding for Afghan refugees was scares and even more limited for women initiatives. In the similar token as we moved inside Afghanistan’ through ACREOD establishment inside the country we moved to areas where we were not visible such women in prison. Women in conservative rural communities and women and family of street/working children. In all these programs we added income generation program that include skill training and production and marketing. Today with support of different small funding and donors we ACREOD work with women collective within mixed community and segregated groups depending community the context. Support women mobilization in self-help groups, through community and referral center. We work with women to support them in making informed decision on setting priority for their business involving them in assessment, supporting them in building their business plan, matching resources and connection with market. We have partnered with FHI360, EU/CIC women in prison, and other GAC Canada/Oxfam in different initiative that help with economic prosperity of women. ACREOD has full-fledged offices in six provinces Kabul, Herat, Balkh, Paktya, Paktika and Nangarhar. also has wider outreach and project activities in Parwan, Badakhshan, Helmand and Kandahar with semi small operating offices on shared based with other women groups and likeminded organizations.
Announced Date:2023-10-31
Closing Date: 2023-11-08